
What's in My Mouth? France X Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

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        "I don't want to put that in my mouth, it looks slimy, nasty, and just not right at all. It's not going to happen so just forget about it." You moved away from the approaching fork, shutting your mouth tight and crossing your arms.

"Oh come on now, it's not so bad. Your hurting me, not wanting to try my cooking." France began poking you on the side of the mouth with the fork. "Now open wide ma chérie, I promise you will like it."

You looked over at the escargot he was trying so desperately to get you to eat, it wiggled, popping it's head out of its shell.. "It's still alive France, I'm not eating something alive." You scrunched up your face, now even more grossed out by the idea than you were before.

France looked like he was trying not to crack up. "Alive, that can't be right, he should be dead." He looked at the mollusc. "Oh, so he is, I suppose they missed one. Good thing you didn't eat it after all." He just shrugged it off and handed the snail to a waiter. "Here, this one is cooked." France held up a new piece for you to sample. "Now open wide."

You looked down at the new snail France was holding. You couldn't even tell it was a snail, it just looked like a shell filled with broth. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. It didn't smell bad either, just like butter and garlic. You could do this. "So I just slurp this out of the shell then huh?" You slowly took the shell from France. "You promise this one's dead?"

France nodded and made a crossing motion over his chest. "Cross my heart chérie. Now eat it before it gets cold." He watched intently to see if you'd actually eat it after his earlier prank.

"Okay, but if it's not dead, you will be." With one big gulp you swallowed down the contents of the shell. It wasn't so bad, but you couldn't get past what you were eating. "There, I ate it, are you happy now?"

"Well that all depends on whether or not you liked it or not. Escargot is only an appetizer you know,  you still have to try out my main course, and dessert."

"It wasn't that bad, but I don't think I'll be making a habit of eating them anytime soon." You were a little scared to ask, but after eating a snail for a snack you thought you'd better. "What's for dinner then?"

"I can't tell you, that would ruin the surprise." He grinned and kissed you on the cheek. "I promise you'll like it though, it won't be anything like the escargot." Dinner came out not long after that, it smelled delicious, though it looked a little odd. France was wearing a mischievous grin that made you second guess digging in. But he was already eating, and he had promised it wouldn't be anything like snails, so you joined him.

It tasted as good as it smelled, but you had no idea what it was. "Can you tell me what we're eating now? I can't quite place the flavor."

"It's Grenouille Provencal. Do you like it?"

You nodded. "Yes, it's much better than the snails. But what exactly is "Grenouille Provencal"? I don't really speak much French you know."

France grinned again. "I know, it's lucky for me you don't too. You're eating sauteed frog legs."
Part one
Part three…
Part four The Planning Blues. France x Reader
link to Part five Thank You. France x Reader

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Confused-Fangurl's avatar

god it’s been years since I’ve had Frog Legs… and the fact that it does kind of taste like chicken (not Gonna say it tastes exactly like chicken cus it doesnt) is amazing. Now you’d have to pay me to try Escargot