
To be Needed. Jumbo x Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

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           It had been long, tiring, and maybe even a little bit stressful, but today had definitely been a good day. Though it had taken you much longer than you'd planned to get it done, you had finally managed to throw that party you'd been promising Jumbo. The party wasn't nearly as large as you had hoped it would be, seeing as only the Circus members and a few of your close personal friends attended. Putting that aside, the party was still an amazing success. Now, as the last of your guests stepped outside, into the bright light of the full moon, you could breathe a sigh of relief. “That was fun, but I'm absolutely exhausted.” More than ready to slip into something comfortable and cuddle yourself beneath a mountain of blankets, you shut the door, locked it tightly and turned to go upstairs. The sight that greeted you was almost enough to make you cry. Streamers, balloons and banners still hung from your ceiling. Your dark, hardwood floors were littered with glitter, leaves tracked in from outside and small bits of dropped food. All the dishes were left to be done and all the leftover food had to be put away or tossed out. Just a quick glance around the room, and you knew you'd be cleaning far past sunrise. “That is the last time I throw a party.” You sighed. “Oh well, it was still worth it.”

Not wanting to soil your party clothes, you had decided to go upstairs and change before tackling the mess. At least this way you would be a bit more comfortable while cleaning. Slowly stepping down your large, curved staircase, you placed a hand on the railing and peeked around the corner as if checking to see if the demolish room had somehow tidied itself. Needless to say, it was exactly as you'd left it. “I don't know what I expected.” Stepping down the last few steps, you chuckled in a defeated sort of way. “Well, better stop procrastinating and start cleaning.” After turning on some quiet music to keep yourself awake, you began the monumental task. About fifteen minutes later, however, there was a knock at your front door. Concerned that someone was coming by so late, you pulled the tattered streamers from the face of your clock and gasped. “It's half past midnight, who...” Letting your sentence hang, you looked out the peephole in your door. Standing outside, was Jumbo. Figuring he had probably left something behind,  you unlocked the door and greeted him with a tired smile. “Hello Jumbo.”

“Hello.” Smiling gently, he bowed his head slightly and stepped through the threshold. “I apologize for coming over without being invited, but I thought you would still be awake.”

“I am. Just barely, but I'm awake.” Shivering slightly due to the cold outside air, you shut the heavy door to prevent any more of the heat from escaping. “Did you leave something here? I haven't found any lost items yet, but I admit, anything could be hiding under this mess.”

Jumbo shook his head. “I came to help you.”

At first, the offer sounded wonderful, but you quickly pushed the thought from your mind. “Oh no. There's no way I'm going to let you help me. This party was for you. You can't clean up your own thank you party. That would be absolutely horrible.” Taking hold of his arm, you tried to tug him towards the door. Your efforts, however, were completely in vain. “I'm serious Jumbo. You  really should go back home and get some sleep. I can handle this.”

“It will be faster if we work together. Then we can both get some sleep.” Not about to take no for an answer, he placed his hand on your head and ruffled your already messy hair. “Honestly, I couldn't close my eyes knowing I'd left this for you to do alone.” Without waiting for your permission, since he knew he'd never get it, Jumbo moved from his place beside you and began working.

Too tired to fight, and honestly wanting his help, you let out a loud, over-dramatic sigh. “Even when I try to do something nice for you to make up for everything you've done for me, you still end up helping me.” As you swept up some of the debris with a large push broom, you shook your finger at him and narrowed your already droopy eyes. “One of these days I'm going to figure something out, and it's not going to end with me needing your help.”

Having already cleaned more in the last few minutes than you did in fifteen, Jumbo once again shook his head. “I've told you before, there's no need for that. I enjoy our time together, even if what we're doing isn't fun, being with you is.”

What he said was incredibly sweet, and brought a light blush to your cheeks, but you chalked his words up to him being tired. “That's sweet of you to say. Honestly, I don't understand how it would be pleasant to spend time with someone that's used you as a pillow, a ladder, and now a maid. I would think that after a while it would be a bit demeaning.”

“It's not.” Sensing your worry, Jumbo stopped what he was doing and placed his large hand on your shoulder. “You're worrying about this too much. It's good to be needed.” His words were simple and to the point, but the way he'd said them, let you know that he wasn't just saying them to make you feel better. He was being completely honest with you. Knowing he really didn't mind was reassuring, but it wasn't going to stop you from finding a way to repay him. Of course, you weren't going to tell Jumbo that. Catching onto your thoughts, Jumbo's expression became one of concern. “You're planning something.”

“No, I'm not.” Firmly shaking your head, you lied. “I'm just tired, so my mind is wandering without my permission. Don't worry about it.”

Though he didn't believe you, Jumbo didn't press the issue. He was far too kind and respectful to even consider trying to pry something out of you. “If you say so, then I suppose I should believe you.” Limply dropping his hand from your shoulder, he refocused his attention on the room. At this point, the food had all been put away, and most of the mess had been cleared. You weren't sure how he'd managed to do so much in such a short amount of time, but you really were glad for his help.

Excited that your work was almost done, you began picking up speed in an attempt to finish even sooner. “I think another ten minutes and this room should be back to normal. After that, all I'll have to worry about is the dishes. That can wait until morning.” Just as you predicted, the room was spotless in just under ten minutes. “Perfect. Thank you again for your help.” When you turned to thank Jumbo with a hug, you caught him heading towards your kitchen. “W-where do you think you're going? Don't you dare!” Stumbling after him, you latched on to his arm, trying to stop him from going any farther. Your added weight wasn't nearly enough though. With you hanging on his arm like a small child, he walked directly into the kitchen and started on the dishes. Having once again lost the battle, you released him and sighed. “This is really starting to get out of hand, you know.”

Ignoring your concerns, Jumbo smiled down at you and handed you the first of many clean dishes to come. “I'll wash if you'll dry. Unless you'd prefer to do the washing.”

“No, no, drying is fine. I'd be doing both if you weren't here. You know, people really shouldn't be allowed to be as nice as you are. It just isn't normal.” Already positive that there was no stopping him, you accepted the dish, dried it and placed it on the counter. “Still, I'm really glad to have you as a friend. You're probably the best friend I've ever had.” At that moment, you realized that the filter that existed between your mind and your mouth had already gone to bed. Blushing slightly, you looked down at your reflection in the plate and shook your head. “I'm sorry, I'm rambling.” You tried to maintain a pleasant conversation with him, without embarrassing yourself again, as the two of you washed and dried the remaining dishes. Unfortunately, the quiet music you'd put on earlier to keep yourself awake, was no having the opposite effect. You could feel your lids growing heavy and your legs turning to jello. Though you were doing your absolute best to fight it, you were falling asleep. You'd already dropped the rag you were using to dry on the floor and were far too far gone to even attempt to pick it up. A second later you felt your cheek press into Jumbo's arms.

At first, Jumbo thought nothing of you using his arm to rest your head, but when he tried to hand you the last dish and you didn't so much as move, he knew you drifting. “Just in time.” Carefully placing the dish on the counter, he maneuvered you into his arms and started for the stairs.

Awoken slightly by him picking you up, you did your best to open your eyes and appear awake. “I'm still awake. I can dry that cup. Just hand it to me. I'm not asleep yet.” Already have way up the stairs, Jumbo kindly refused. “Fine, but you'd better not dry it. That's my job.”

“It will be waiting for you when you wake up. You have my word.” Gently placing you in your bed, Jumbo pulled your covers over you and tucked you in. Before leaving, he brushed your hair away from your face and tenderly kissed the top of your head. As he started to close your door, he looked back at you, already sleeping soundly and smiled. “Sleep well, my dear friend.”
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