
The Truth Levi X Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

Literature Text

        “I didn't ask for your help, now go away. This is completely, and totally ridiculous. Besides, no one else is even awake yet, the sun isn't even awake. Now, for the last time, go away. I'm not getting out of bed until I absolutely have to.” Doing your best to ignore him, you  flipped over, lying on your stomach and pressed your face into your pillow. Hoping he would just go away, you did your best to fall back asleep.

“I'm not going anywhere until you get up. Now come on.” Your thin blankets were quickly pulled away from your already cold body, causing goosebumps to take over your skin.

“What the heck is wrong with you man? It's freezing in here and you just took away the little bit of warmth I had.” With chattering teeth you sat up in your bunk and brought your knees to your chest. Levi didn't look even the slightest bit repentant. Instead, he almost seemed to be enjoying your discomfort. “Can I have my blanket back? I'm going to get frostbite without it.”

Levi shook his head, turned around and began making his way out of the barracks. “You'll warm up once you start moving.”

You watched as he walked away. Though you really only wanted to sleep, there was no way you would be able to do that, not without a blanket. With no other option, you slung your legs over your bed and pulled on your heavy boots. Lacing them was difficult due to your fingers being frozen stiff. “I'm going to hurt that guy. Where does he get off, waking me up every morning before dawn.” Mumbling and complaining to yourself, you walked outside into the darkness. The cold hit you like a slap in the face, waking you up instantly. “Levi, where the heck are you? I'm not going to stand out here all day you know.”

“I'm right here.” He sighed, standing only a few feet to your left. “Why do you insist on doing that?”

“Maybe for the same reason you insist on disappearing, or for the same stupid reason you wake me up so early.” The wind hitting your cold res cheeks felt like little needles poking at your skin. You had no idea have Levi was handling it so well. “You still haven't told me why you've picked me, out of all the recruits to be your little project.”

Levi completely ignored what you were saying and prepared to give you instructions. “Today's a good day for you to do some running.”

Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. There was no way he could be serious. But then again, knowing Levi, he'd probably chosen to make you run just so he could watch you fail. He seemed to get a strange pleasure out of watching others struggle. “Are you nuts? I can't even feel my feet. How am I supposed to run?”

“If you want your blanket back, I'm sure you'll figure something out.” Bored with your complaining, Levi crossed his arms, leaned against the barracks walls, and waited for you to get going.

Though you knew he was only trying to help you, having him order you around all morning was getting old, and fast. You almost preferred having the instructors yell at you. Besides, you had never asked him to help you, so he really had no right to tell you what to do. There was no reason you couldn't get in shape on your own, if you actually wanted to that is. With these thoughts fresh in your mind, you did something you'd never done before. You refused to do as you were told. “No. I'm not running in freezing temperatures. I'm not going to exhaust myself before the day has even begun. Now give me back my blanket.” You attempted to jump Levi, but he was too fast. He'd somehow managed to move out of your path without you even seeing him.

Levi wasn't even the slightest bit fazed by your feeble attempts to catch him. He was actually so expressionless, he could have easily been mistaken for a sleep walker.  “Fine, don't run. But if you want your blanket, you're going to have to get it from me.” He held the blanket up and waved it around lethargically, as if he was trying to tempt you with it. “By the way, this thing could really use a good washing.”

Keeping your voice down was becoming more and more difficult due to your mounting anger. This anger caused your words to come out sounding like a high pitched hiss. “Why do I have to fight for what's already mine?” As you waited for him to answer, you began your weak attempts to get your property back.

The look on Levi's face made you think he'd actually wanted you to ask him exactly what you had. While he dodged and evaded your every advance with ease, he began to speak in a very calm tone. “First off, nothing in this camp belongs to you, not even the clothes on your back. However, we fight for our lives, which do belong to us, and our freedom, which also belongs to us. Anything worth having, is worth fighting for. You've been making it here by the skin of your teeth. You, personally have done nothing to aid our fight. You've been a hindrance and a source of problems since your very first day here. You haven't been willing to train, to keep watch, or to help in any way.”

What he was saying was true, but you didn't want to hear it. “Okay, I get it, I'm completely worthless and should use myself as titan bait. Now shut up and leave me alone. I don't need you coming down on me, I have everyone else to do that.”

Levi shook his head, and despite what you'd just said, continued. “I'm not finished.” He stopped avoiding you and stood perfectly still, holding your blanket out in front of him with his fingers tightly clenched around the threadbare fabric. “You fight, for this, nothing more than a simple piece of fabric. It can be replaced, you don't need it to live, but you're fighting me for it.” He threw the blanket on the dusty, dirty ground and stomped his boot into it, angrily pressing it into the earth. “Why are you willing to fight for this, but not the lives of your comrades?”

Your words caught in your throat, but his stare wouldn't let you just not answer. Turning your head away to avoid eye contact, you answered him very quietly. “I'm scared. If I know how to fight, they might send me out there. So I do stupid things and act unreliable so I won't risk dying. I don't know about you, but dying scares me, a lot.” Feeling completely and utterly useless, you turned around and headed back to the barracks. “Now you know, I hope you're happy.”

Before you'd even taken two steps away from him, Levi lightly placed his hand on your shoulder. “I won't let you die.”

“Right, I'm sure you won't.” You snorted and shook your head in complete disbelief. “You probably just want me to hurry up and get eaten. It'll be better for everyone if I'm not here anymore. Don't lie to me Levi, I'm not buying your crap.”

“I assure you, I'm not lying to you. I wouldn't wish death on anyone. Least of all a comrade.” He fell silent for a moment, making things very, very awkward. When he spoke again, he sounded very mellow, almost sad. “I swear to you, if you try your hardest, I will protect you. I can't promise you that you won't get hurt. I can't even promise that you won't die. But I can promise you that I will do my best to keep you safe.”

Hearing Levi talk to you this way was strange, and you really didn't know how to react. So, you reacted the only way you knew how. You made a joke. Quickly turning around, you flashed him a bright smile. “I always knew you had a soft spot for me. It's about time you gave up the tough, uncaring act. If I've got you watching my back, I've got nothing to worry about.”

Levi sighed, dropping his head down slightly to hide his pink cheeks. “I wish you would take things more seriously.

“Oh come on Levi, I know it's true. You're even blushing a little bit.”

“I'm not blushing, I'm cold.” He'd said it so seriously, you couldn't help but laugh. “Never mind, there's no getting through to you.” Quickly leaning down Levi snatched your blanket from the ground and pushed it into your chest. “Here, now go inside, it's cold out here, you'll get sick.” He turned around and hastily began walking away from you.

Hoping to get one more little jab in before he left, you lifted your hand to your mouth and called after him. “Don't be embarrassed Levi. It's perfectly natural for people to blush. Besides, only I saw it.”

His shoulders tensed as he lowered his head and clenched his fists. “I told you, I'm just cold.”
Commissioned by :iconautumncrazed:

Link to part one…
Link to part three…
Link to Part five Attack on Levi. Levi x Reader

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Anae-Haruki-Pitch's avatar
suuuuure, you're just cold. suuuure