
One of Us Now Yazoo x Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

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        “This should be more than enough for them to do whatever they're planning on doing.” You looked down at your full basket of blueberries and smiled wryly. “I hope they aren't planning to cook with these. Getting them was way too hard to have them all go to waste that way.” Chuckling quietly to yourself, you opened the door to what had been your home for quite some time now and walked inside. Oddly enough, no one seemed to be there. “That's odd. They were all here when I left.” Sensing something was amiss, you paced the basket on the kitchen table breathed in the air around you. “Something in here smells just like cookies.”

A few seconds of silence past as you curiously looked through the kitchen. Just before you reached the pantry, the door burst open, relieving Loz. “I can't take it any more, you found me. Everyone else is in here too. They're all hiding from you.”

“Loz, you ruined it. Why couldn't you have just been quiet for another minute?” Immediately after Loz's confession, Yazoo and Kadaj appeared from different areas of the kitchen. As always, Kadaj was wearing a sour expression.

“I really did try to keep myself quiet, but I got too excited not to say something.” Twiddling his fingers nervously, Loz hung his head and sniffled. “Sorry Kadaj.”

Bewildered by everything that was going on around you, you flopped down at the kitchen table and scratched your temple. “Was I not supposed to come home or something? I can leave again if you three need more time to do whatever you're doing right now. It looks like you're playing hide and seek, but somehow I know that isn't right, seeing as there was no one actually seeking.”

“You don't need to leave again.” Yazoo walked over to you with a suspicious grin on his face. “We had all just planned a little surprise for you, and unfortunately, Loz compromised that surprise. Still, I'm sure we'll be able to proceed from here as planned.”

Crossing his arms defensively, Loz let out an annoyed groan. “I already said that I was sorry. You don't need to keep picking on me.”

“It's okay Loz. I was still pretty surprised to see you hiding in the pantry, so I don't think you really messed anything up.” You sent him a sweet smile, then, when the confusion finally hit you, tilted your head to the side and screwed up your face. “I am curious though, why did you three even want to surprise me anyway? It's not a Holiday or anything like that. At least, I don't think it is.”

“I thought you'd never ask. Just one moment please.” Yazoo's grin became a wicked smirk as he retrieved a large box from one of the high cabinets. As he placed the boring cardboard box in front of you, Loz pulled a batch of freshly baked cookies from the oven setting them down on the table in front of you as well. “Do you understand what's going on yet?”

You looked at the items placed in front of you and tried to figure out why they would be giving you gifts. After a moment, you shook your head. “Honestly, no.”

All three brothers sat down at the table with oddly serious look on their faces. Yazoo placed his hands neatly on the table and sighed. “I was hoping you'd understand without needing an explanation. But since that's not the case, allow me to explain what's going on to you.” The odd mix of their stern expressions, and gifts was enough to make anyone scratch their head, but you said nothing and listened. “It took a long time, lots of arguments and convincing, but I've finally managed to do something that Loz and I feel is very important.”

Slamming his large hands on the table, Loz interrupted Yazoo's speech. “Stop stalling. You're even making me nervous. She's probably getting really worried. Just tell her already.”

“Be quiet for a moment Loz, and I will.” With a quiet sigh, Yazoo shook his head and once again turned his attention to you. “I think it might actually be easier if you just open up that box. It should make things much clearer for you.”

“Oh, okay.” Growing both excited, and nervous, you reached out for the box and quickly opened it up. You peeked inside, at the dark, leathery object within and hoping to cure yourself of your confusion, pulled it out. Unfortunately, even after seeing exactly what the object was, you still hadn't the slightest idea what was going on. “Isn't this one of your suits? Does it need mending or something?”

Yazoo gently shook his head and smiled down at you. “No, not at all. That's yours to keep and to wear whenever we go out. You see, we all figured if you're going to be living with us, you should dress like us as well. Think of it as an acceptance gift.” Taking another step towards you, he placed his hand on your shoulder and beamed from ear to ear, despite his best attempts not to. “You're finally one of us now.”

Now that everything had been made crystal clear to you, you jumped to your feet and threw your arms around Yazoo's neck. “This is so sweet of you all. It makes me feel really, really special.”

“Good, that was the intention after all.” Not nearly as excited as Yazoo and Loz were about this, Kadaj firmly crossed his arms over his chest, closed his eyes and snorted loudly. “Maybe now my dear, infatuated brothers will finally see fit to stop harassing me about being nicer to you. You have no idea how annoying they've been these last few weeks. Getting that suit made for you was no easy task either, so you had better wear it often. Otherwise, I might have second thoughts about letting you stay.”

“I'll even wear it when I sleep if you'd like me to.” No longer even slightly afraid of Kadaj, you wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him thankfully. “Thank you. I really appreciate all of this.”

Kadaj's cheeks flushed as you hugged him. Obviously uncomfortable with this form of gratitude, he started to shove you away less than a second after you'd embraced him. “You're welcome, now go hug someone else.”

Giggling joyfully, you release Kadaj from your embrace and snuggled yourself back into Yazoo's arms. “So, I'm guessing the blueberries were just a clever way for you all to get me out of the house so you could make cookies then?”

“Yup, that's exactly what we did. All three of us baked them for you. We tasted them too, just in case they weren't any good.” Feeling a little left out, Loz lifted both you and Yazoo into his arms and hugged you tightly. “We actually tried to make you a cake first, but it didn't turn out very well.” He frowned. “Actually, it was so bad, even I didn't want to eat it.”

“As good as these cookies smell, it couldn't have been that bad.” You looked down at the large plate of cookies hungrily. “We should probably hurry up and eat them though. Cookies are best when they're still all hot and gooey on the inside.”

“Oh, you're right. I don't want them to get all cold before you even get a chance to eat them.” Loz quickly put you and Yazoo down, excited for you to taste their creation.

Before you could even come close to snatching up one of the mouthwatering treats, Yazoo took you in his arms and sat down with you in his lap. “Allow me.” Keeping one arm around you, he took one of the cookies from the plate and began to feed you. “Not bad is it?”

Blushing terribly due to his embarrassing actions, you weakly shook your head. “Not at all. They're actually really good.” You leaned your head against his chest and looked up at him with a teasing smile on your face. “They're not as good as mine though.”

“Of course they aren't. None of us ever claimed to be able to cook though.” He snuggled you closely, forgetting all about the other two people still in the room with you. “If we could cook, even a little bit, I wouldn't have been able to convince Kadaj to let you stay.” Inching his lips closer to yours, he lowered his voice to just above a whisper. “Don't tell him I told you, but he secretly loves everything you make. If you ever want to get on his good side, just cook.”

His sudden closeness caused your breaths to become shallow and made your heart skip and pound in your chest. “I'll make sure I remember that.”

Inching even closer, he gently ran his slender fingers through your hair as he brushed his lips against yours. “Good. But you know that this means there's no escaping us now. You're going to be stuck here with us forever, whether you like it or not.”

“That's fine with me. If I wanted to leave you, I've had plenty of chances.” You wrapped your fingers around the fabric of his shirt and pulled him into you. “Now stop your stalling and kiss me already.”
Commissioned by :iconlivingforsomething:

Part one…
Part two…
Part three…
Part four…

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TheFlightlessAngel13's avatar
wait, when the reader said that last line, weren't Kadaj and Loz still in the room?