
After-party. Lau X Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

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         “I can't believe I got all dressed up just for this. Honestly, this has to be the most boring party I've ever been to in my life.” Permanently fixed to the punch table, you filled up your glass for the third time in the last fifteen minutes and quickly downed the bright pink beverage. As your mouth filled with the oddly pungent aftertaste, you wrinkled up your nose and scoffed. “Not only is this party boring, but the punch tastes horrible.”

Nodding gently, with a calm, complacent smile on his face, Lau spoke up. “I agree.”

Shocked to see him standing so close to you, you jerked back so quickly you almost fell. Luckily, you were able to stop yourself before it was too late. “Where did you come from?”

“I've been here for the last twenty minutes, at least. I thought, because you kept talking, that you were talking to me.” Lifting his hand to his mouth, Lau quietly began to chuckle. “Were you talking to yourself?” Lowering his hand to his heart, he bowed his head, just slightly. “My apologies, I didn't mean to be listening in on a very private conversation. I assure you, I won't tell anyone anything that I overheard.”

A bit embarrassed, you filled your glass up once more and awkwardly began sipping at it. “I wasn't talking to myself, I was just thinking out loud.” With your drink already gone, you placed your glass on the table and crossed your arms. “Even if what I said was private or embarrassing, I doubt you'd have heard, or remembered anything I said. You're too absent minded for that.”

“Hmm, I suppose you're right.” Not offended by your slightly cruel words, Lau nodded. Changing the subject, he took a step towards you and took your hand in his. “As uneventful as this party is, I feel I should tell you, you look quite lovely in that dress.” Smiling with his eyes, he pulled you closer to him. “Things might be less boring if we danced.”

Blushing quite horribly from his compliment, you turned your eyes away from him and nodded weakly. “I guess that is true.”

“Then you agree? Wonderful.” Not waiting for an actual answer, Lau pulled you away from the punch table and onto the dance floor. As he did this, Ran-Mao, who you had not noticed earlier, waited silently for his return. Something about her stone-faced expression, however, caused you to worry. Bringing your attention back to him, Lau placed one of his hands on your hips and held your hand tightly in the other. “You look concerned, what's the matter? Don't you know how to dance?” Before you'd even had a chance to answer, he began slowly twirling you around the floor.

With your thoughts now on not falling, tripping, or making a fool of yourself, you completely forgot about Ran-Mao's suspicious behavior. “I can dance, just not particularly well.”

“Ah, I see.” He nodded. “You can trust me not to let you fall.” With his trademark smile still on his face, Lau tilted his head to the side and furrowed his thin, black brows just enough to be noticeable. “At least, I think you can trust me.”

“That's honestly not all that reassuring.” Shaking your head slowly, as if you were disappointed, you sighed. “But I guess, coming from you, it's better than nothing.”

“You seem to enjoy insulting me, which is odd, since as far as I can remember, I've done nothing to earn your disdain.” Effortlessly waltzing with you from one end of the floor to the other, Lau's expression changed, giving him a thoughtful look. “Hmm, perhaps it is an odd way of flirting. I've heard it's not that uncommon for young, inexperienced ladies to insult those they fancy.”

Amused that he'd suggest such an outlandish, preposterous thing, you released an unladylike snort. “Don't flatter yourself like that. You're way off. I'm insulting you because I'm still upset with you for ruining that game for me.”

“Ah, of course. That would make sense.” After nodding his agreement, Lau went completely silent for a long time. “What game are you talking about exactly?”

“You honestly forgot?” Not sure whether you were angry, annoyed or offended, you brought the short dance to an end and began making your way towards the punch table. Much to your dismay, Lau followed you there. “Forget it, never mind. I should have known.” Too agitated to be proper, you dipped your entire glass into the bowl and drank from the now sticky vessel. “This taste even worse now than it did before. It's bitter and it's actually painful to swallow.”

Placing his hand on your shoulder, Lau gave you a kind pat. “Perhaps you're tasting your own bitterness.” Swapping to a new subject before you had time to notice his subtle insult, he continued. “Now, about that game. You aren't talking about the one we played at the Phantomhive estate, are you? I suppose I could understand, to a point. You and I didn't have nearly enough time together.” Taking your sticky, punch covered glass from your hand, he politely refilled it and handed it back to you. “If that's the case, you're still more than welcome to come to my home.”

Though his guess had been correct, you weren't about to let on to the fact that you were so sour over something that was admittedly very petty. This was mainly because you didn't realize how petty it was until you heard someone else say it. “That's not going to happen. I've been warned about you.”

“Hmm? And what warnings have you received? I can't think of any reason why you would need to be warned about me.” Looking genuinely interested, he lifted his hand to his chin and awaited your response.

When you thought about it, Lau really didn't seem dangerous, just air headed and odd. The fact that he was involved with opium hardly seemed enough reason for you to fear him. “That's not important. You'd probably dispute what I told you anyway.” Suddenly feeling very warm, you began fanning yourself while sipping on your drink. You weren't at all embarrassed or flustered, so you couldn't understand why you would feel so hot. “Did the temperature just rise considerably, or am I imagining things?” As you spoke, you noticed a slight buzzing between your ears. This buzzing made it hard for you to balance on your fashionably high heels. Though you were unaware of this, your entire body was now engulfed in a deep red blush and you were swaying slightly from side to side. “It can't be just me, it's ridiculously warm in here.”

“The temperature hasn't changed at all. However, I believe I've found the reason for the bitter taste.” To test his theory, Lau took a sip of the punch, then immediately nodded. “I was right. It seems the punch has been tampered with.” Chuckling quietly, Lau wrapped an arm around you, effectively steadying you in the process. “It wasn't your attitude making it bitter at all.”

“Tampered with?” Not quite understanding, you blinked several times, as if it would clear away your confusion. “You mean it was spiked?” Finally able to make things clear, you groaned. “That explains everything. Who would do something like that? I know this party was boring, but that's taking things a little bit too far.” Even though you now knew the problem, you couldn't stop yourself from drinking a bit more. “This really doesn't taste all that bad once you get used to it.”

“You're quite the lightweight, aren't you? I don't think I've ever seen alcohol go to anyone's head so quickly before.” Now supporting you entirely, Lau couldn't help but laugh. “Perhaps I should take you home before you do something you come to regret.”

“I don't think I'd do anything, too regrettable. But then again, I don't think I've ever been intoxicated before, so I can't be sure.” Even though you were no longer in your right mind, and were having a hard time forming a complete sentence, you were able to notice the fact that you were now snuggling Lau tightly in your arms as if he were your lover. This alone, was enough to change your mind. Blushing terribly at your lack of judgment, you cleared your throat and gave a sloppy nod. “Maybe you're right. It might be best if I head home.”

“That's what I thought.” With a nod, he signaled for Ran-Mao, to follow, then began leading you out of the large ballroom. Once outside, he helped you into a carriage and had the coachman begin the journey. After a full ten minutes of traveling, he looked down at you and smiled. “Now then, where did you say you lived again?” Lau's question received no answer, however, as you were already fast asleep with your head resting on his shoulder. Not at all surprised, he chuckled softly as he brushed your hair away from your face. “Ah, would you look at that? I suppose she'll be coming home with me after all.”
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shellymichelle8's avatar
Is it me, or is it that Lau ALWAYS has his eyes closed?