
A Visionary Sakon/Ukon X Reader

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VampireGodesNyx's avatar

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         Still steaming from a loud angry fight, you marched out of the village, not knowing where you were going or even if you'd ever be coming back. You were sick of people telling you where you could go and who you could and couldn't talk to. Just because you lived in the Leaf village didn't mean you should bound by their prejudice. “Where do they come up with these stupid rules anyway? It's like saying Lee can't have a pet chipmunk because someone else thinks they're scary. I should be able to hang out with anyone I want, and I will.” Too angry to see straight, you dropped down and sat on a fallen tree, sulking and talking to yourself. “They're all idiots.”

“I know you aren't talking about me.” Leaves and twigs crunched beneath Sakon's feet, giving his position away immediately. “The last time we spoke, I thought we were on pretty good terms. So, who's an idiot?”

“The entire Leaf Village. They're all stuck up snobs.” Quickly standing from your seat, you rushed over to Sakon and hugged him tight. “You know they wanted to throw me in jail, just because I talked to you? They think I'm a traitor, or a spy or something like that. It's seriously ridiculous.”

Sakon wiggled free of your hug, brushed himself off and cleared his throat. “You're still having a hard time following rules, I see. You know, they make those rules for a reason.”

“I know that. They're supposed to keep people safe.” Crossing your arms defiantly you let out a loud snort. “The thing is, I'm old enough to know right from wrong on my own. I don't need their help anymore. If I want to do something they consider dangerous, I should have that right. As long as I'm not endangering anyone else that is.” dropping your hands and your head towards the ground, you sighed. “Why do they have to be so strict anyway?”

“Asking the same question in different ways isn't going to get you a different answer. I have a question for you though.” Leaning against one of the trees in a way that wouldn't affect his brother, Sakon looked at you with a very puzzled expression. “Why would you blurt out the fact that you're hanging out with the enemy? It's seems like a really bad idea to me.”

You shuffled your feet nervously, knowing your answer would probably make him laugh at you. “I kind of hoped, that if they saw that you and I could be friends, they'd be willing to let go of the past.”

Just like you expected, Sakon laughed. “First off, we aren't friends, and secondly it's not in the past. There are still fights going on between Orochimaru and the Leaf. Unless you've had your head under a rock, you should know this.”

Your mind had shut off after his first sentence. His words left your chest feeling hurt and hallow. Never very good at hiding your emotions, you looked up at him ready to cry. “We aren't?”

Sakon looked down at you with his brow raised. He obviously had no idea what he'd said to make you so sad. “We aren't what?”

“Friends. I thought we were.” The first tear spilled over, staining your face as it trailed down your cheek. “S-so, if we're not friends what are we? Do you just talk to me because you're bored, or is this just a game for you? Did you want me to get in trouble?” Your voice was getting louder and higher pitched with every sentence. “Iruka was right. I should have never talked to you. I should have warned the Leaf about you. I'm so stupid.”

At a complete loss, Sakon slowly started to back away from you. Even after everything you'd said, he still didn't understand why you were so upset. “Calm down. I didn't mean it like that.”

Your sadness was quickly turning in to anger causing him to back even further away. “Then how did you mean it?”

Not knowing how to respond, Sakon stood there with his mouth slightly open until another voice spoke up. “What's all the racket?” Ukon yawned, upset that he'd been woken up. “It sounds like you really ticked her off this time. What did you do?” Not giving Sakon a chance to respond, you ran around to Ukon and explained everything that had happened from your prospective. Ukon smirked at your story. “He's a liar. He wouldn't drag us out here all the time if he didn't want to see you.”

A little less upset, your voice finally lowered to a normal, even tone. “Well he has a very bad way of expressing that. I was about to kick him.”

Ukon grimaced. “Please don't do that, you'll hurt both of us, not just him.” He let out another yawn and began to close his eyes. “You two work things out without screaming or kicking each other okay? I'm going back to sleep.”

The moment Ukon's eyes were shut, everything became completely silent, and very tense. Growing tired of waiting for him to say something, you spoke in a very sharp, curt voice. “So, you want to tell me what you meant yet? I don't plan on standing out here forever you know. I can just go back to the Leaf and forget any of this ever happened.”

Instead of apologizing or trying to make things right, Sakon insulted you further. He roughly rubbed his temple with his fingers and groaned. “You're so annoying and bossy. You're loud, irritating, confusing and air headed too.”

Your eyes flattened, as you gave him the coldest glare you could manage. “Are you absolutely, positively sure that's what you want to be saying to me right now? Because believe it or not, that's not the right way to make me not angry at you. It's actually doing the exact opposite.”

He nodded. “You also have a really bad problem with cutting people off and assuming things.” You opened your mouth to yell at him, but before you could even take in a breath, he covered your mouth. “So if you could just shut up for a minute, I'll explain.” Sakon lowered his hand and smirked. “You're all those things I mentioned and much more that I could have said, but didn't. I'm not your friend, I'm your enemy. I'll always be your enemy, whether you like it or not.”

“B-but.” One word and he was covering your mouth again.

“Stop interrupting.” This time he didn't uncover your mouth as he continued his rather long, drawn out explanation. “I can't be your friend, because if I am, then everything the Leaf said about you will be true. You'll be a traitor and you'll be thrown in jail. Even though you're all those things I said, for some reason I just wouldn't feel right if you were imprisoned or exiled because of me.”

Your mouth dropped. “You said all that mean stuff, to say something nice?” You clutched onto his thin shoulders and roughly shook him. “You can't play with my emotions like that. I will slaughter you if you ever do it again.”

“I'll keep that in mind.” He nodded. “Now stop shaking me, you're going to wake up Ukon.”

Ukon spoke in a tired, grouchy voice. “Too late.”

“Sorry Ukon, I wasn't thinking.” You released his shoulders and stared down at the ground sheepishly. “I'm not going to apologize, because you really did hurt my feelings there for a minute. I will however forgive you, even though you didn't ask. I'm only forgiving you because I really think that one day we'll be able to look past our differences and be friends.”

Sakon shook his head at your words. “You're extremely naive, but I suppose I should thank you.”

“You should.” No longer angry at anyone, you turned away from him and faced the Leaf Village with your hands proudly on your hips. “And furthermore, I am not naive, I am a visionary. One day, you'll see that.”

With a quiet chuckle Sakon turned away from you, heading in the opposite direction. “Whatever you say.”
Commissioned by :iconcoldassnow:

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ColdAsSnow's avatar
OMG!!!!! This story is sooooo good :stare: :iconomgsocuteplz:
I feel like commissioning hundreds of stories with Sakon/Ukon XDDD